Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tis the season of vision

"Don't be afraid of small beginnings, remember this whole thing started with a mouse."- Walt Disney

Jesus lived out of vision everyday. He spoke it, role modelled it and set a plan into action so that he could see it fulfilled. I was talking to one of the personal trainers at the gym today and he said at this time of year numbers attending the gym drop off but they will pick up again with lots of new people in late January because they all have a vision to get fit. But many will give up within the month.
I find that everything in life wants to work against your vision. There are a few things that will want to kill your dream.
Failure will knock a hole in your vision, if you let it.
When a plan or strategy fails, people are tempted to assume it was the wrong vision. Plans and strategies can always be changed and improved. But vision doesn't change.
Visions are simply refined with time.
We don't have to change the vision because a plan doesn't work out.
Another one I find is simply life, it works against the vision. Vision is about what could be and should be; life is about right-this-minute. Life is about the kids and the laundry and the doctor and the house payment.
The third is a “She’ll be right” attitude. But if that were the case we would all be skinny, rich and happy.
What would happen if pilots or doctors had that attitude?

“It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect it’s successful outcome.”–William James

Lastly there is tiredness. I have found that when I get tired it’s much easier to lift up your feet and go with the flow then to stand against the current.

Matthew 26:41 (NLT)
Keep alert and pray. Otherwise temptation will overpower you. For though the spirit is willing enough, the body is weak!"

Jesus simply said when we are tired then find a place, get away from the distractions and pray. Doesn't have to be for long, doesn't have to have fancy words just stay connected to the source of our strength.

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