Its 6.30am on my first Sunday back from a short holiday and I am sitting in my office going over and over my message for the first of our 2 morning services. We are doing a series called "defining moments" which is all about moments in the NT where Jesus crossed people's lives and they were never the same. Today's is found in John 4 and its the story about the woman at the well, who had been married 5 times and now living in a defacto relationship and Jesus positions himself so that she has an opportunity to hear the message of hope.
This was a woman who had a past not just a past but a public past. She lived in a small town where everyone new each others news.
This is uncommon even today unless you are Liz Taylor who has been married 8 times, but back in this time it was extremely unusual.
· We don’t know why she had 5 husbands maybe they had died
· Maybe they left her for other woman which would had left some scaring on her self esteem
· Maybe she couldn't have children which was an embarrassment in those days.
· We don’t know if she went through 5 husbands because of her decisions or other people’s decisions.
One thing we do know and that is that life has left her thirsty.
I am thirsty because of decisions that I have made
I am thirsty because of decisions others have made.
She was about to have a one on one encounter with the Saviour of the world.
I don’t know what you believe about God but if you will listen to this story you will get a clue on how God views thirsty people.
If we were real honest many of us would say this morning, “I am thirsty, life has left me thirsty and I have been unable to satisfy that thirst”. Christmas is all about understanding and embracing that Jesus came as a thirst crusher. So where are you thirsty?
This was a woman who had a past not just a past but a public past. She lived in a small town where everyone new each others news.
This is uncommon even today unless you are Liz Taylor who has been married 8 times, but back in this time it was extremely unusual.
· We don’t know why she had 5 husbands maybe they had died
· Maybe they left her for other woman which would had left some scaring on her self esteem
· Maybe she couldn't have children which was an embarrassment in those days.
· We don’t know if she went through 5 husbands because of her decisions or other people’s decisions.
One thing we do know and that is that life has left her thirsty.
I am thirsty because of decisions that I have made
I am thirsty because of decisions others have made.
She was about to have a one on one encounter with the Saviour of the world.
I don’t know what you believe about God but if you will listen to this story you will get a clue on how God views thirsty people.
If we were real honest many of us would say this morning, “I am thirsty, life has left me thirsty and I have been unable to satisfy that thirst”. Christmas is all about understanding and embracing that Jesus came as a thirst crusher. So where are you thirsty?
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