Sunday, April 27, 2008

We had another fruitful meeting with the people who are assisting us in our MCU application to council last week. We have answered all of councils concerns, questions and complaints so now its in God's hand to move us across the line. Then comes our next challenge to raise the $400,000 that we need to fit out our new home. I was reading recently where King David was confronted with a similar situation (except for the council who he probably would had sent to the frontline of a war if they had stood against him) David never waited for the "perfect" scenario.

1 Chron. 22:14 (GW)
"Despite my troubles I've made preparations for the Lord's temple. There are 3,400,000 kilograms of gold, 35,000,000 kilograms of silver, and so much bronze and iron that it can't be weighed. I've also prepared wood and stones, and you may add to them.

The word “in my trouble” means “in my poverty or afflictions”
· King David here is saying that conditions weren’t perfect to give
· interest rates were high
· When we stop having wars I will give
· When I get my raise i can contribute
· When that deal comes through
· When we can afford it

What he was saying was that despite all these things, I have been laying aside finance in order that the house of God, my storehouse, would be completed with the excellence of God’s signature.

When something leaves your present, it goes into your future, and prepares your future for your arrival there

Saturday, April 26, 2008

I find myself again at one of my favourite spots on the Gold Coast sipping coffee over looking the beach and literally hundreds of people swimming and enjoying this Anzac day long weekend. Yesterday morning I braved the elements of waking up at 4am so that I could jump on my Kawasaki VN900 drive by Brads house and make our way down down to Currumbin for the dawn Anzac service. A bit chilly but well worth the effort. There were thousands there representing all ages confirming yet again that the Anzac spirit still resonates in the hearts of Aussies. Before the roll of those who have died since last Anzac Day (52 people) was called a statement was said that really pressed my button.

"Many gave some but some gave much".

Now anyone that travels to a foreign country to fight a war for the sake of freedom has my vote as a hero but there is something about someone that has paid an ultimate price.

Thanks to all those who have fought and are fighting for our continual freedom and thank you to those whose names we will probably never know but everyday you fight a personal battle, a battle in your family your health and you wont give up. You are part of the "some give much" crowd...your awesome.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Mark 6:47-48 (NIV) When evening came, the boat was in the middle of the lake, and he was alone on land. [48] He saw the disciples straining at the oars, because the wind was against them.

I was reading this familiar story this morning and could relate a little to the disciples, maybe you can to? The boat is in the middle of the lake, not at the shore but in the middle, not at the destination but in the middle and they are straining as they row into a head wind.

If ever you have done any kind of exercise like running or cycling you know the feeling of momentum that you have while riding with a tail wind. You are breaking records, you are surpassing expectations but don't forget to leave enough energy to come home. Because sooner or later you will probably turn a corner to head back and then you are confronted with a head wind. Maybe you have had a bumper year business wise but all of a sudden there is a strong head wind, maybe with your family there has been healthy relationships but suddenly you have turned into a head wind and you are straining to even find harmony. It could be your health all of a sudden the wind has changed or maybe your marriage has disintegrated and now you are alone facing a head wind.

In all of the disciples straining, reaching, pushing there comes a comforting, calming voice, sometimes its only a whisper, but if you quiet the headwind in your soul long enough you will hear it, "It's all right," he said. "I am here! Don't be afraid." (Mark 6:50).

Why don't you stop, take a deep breath, put down the oars and listen.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Its been 6 months since we first submitted our change of use application into the local council and still we have no answer. There are concerns over our car parking which we believe we have resolved but the authorities feel needs more dialogue. I think these moments are the hardest in our faith walk with God. Its those times when you have launched out on a firm belief in your heart that God will come through, but what He is doing hasn't shown itself as yet, so you find yourself like a trapeze artist who has left one trapeze and is waiting mid air for the next to come.
Its a bit like Linus while his blanket is in the dryer! I dislike these times, they make me feel unsettled and yet our life is full of them and they are our highest points of personal growth. In moments like these our faith can react in two ways. Firstly we can start fasting, call prayer meetings, push harder, pull a few favours do all that we possibly can to get something happening. Or we can feast, laugh and live with an inner confidence that God is at work.
Which is best?
Probably the wrong question to ask. What we need to do is to look into our hearts and discover what our faith is reflecting at that time. Because I know a lot of people who turn to prayer meetings and fasting but they do it out of fear and unbelief hoping to convince God to move. But I also know people that become extremely laid back in pressure times and hide behind the "its all up to God" philosophy. For me I like to do both. There is a time to fast and pray with a new intensity but there must come a time where our faith is strong enough to feast upon the promises in the presence of our enemies. Just a thought

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Today marks day 5 in my fast and my head is thumping. I think the last of my coffee attachment is being purged from my system. People often ask me why I fast and how do I know when its a God fast. I think any fast, even if you arent sure whether its a God one, is good for you. Its good for your discipline as well as your body. But I always know when Gods all over it because my desperation level is greater than my temptation to eat level. Although that doesnt help when your work mates are walking by with Red Rooster Flava Wraps. Hmmmm chicken!
Thats where you have to come back to what it is that you are wanting God to step into with you that stops you from giving in. Is it your marriage that you need God to step into? Your business, your church, your children? Fasting is also all about emptying you of you. Where ever you look through the bible God always leant His ear to humility. Our staff just finished reading Good to great and every CEO or leader that transitioned a company from the good to the great, humility was a part of their character. We all need more of that.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Every now and then God does some things to remind us just how much He loves us. A group of people at Elevation Church just shouted Kathy and me 3 nights up at O’Reilly’s guest house in the mountains (Picture is our view). What a blessing!! I love the church when it all works properly. As Pastors normally we are the ones looking out for others well being but this has been a real blast for us.
These rooms over look an amazing view. This morning we went on a 2 hour hike followed by a quick swim in freezing water and some lunch, then its rest, reading and relaxation. How quickly you begin to sense God in a fresh way when you are out of the continual pressure of a growing church.
The best thing you can do in any part of life is to “get out of it so you can work on it”. Get out of pressure, phone calls, and decisions so you can evaluate your marriage, family and relationship with God.

Matthew 14:23 (NLT)
Afterward he went up into the hills by himself to pray. Night fell while he was there alone.

Solitude shouldn’t be something we fear, it’s actually our friend. Being alone away from all the distractions (no phone or TV here…I am missing the football) just the 2 of us and an opportunity to tune our relationship and our hearts back into the right station. Thank you

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


We have had Pastor Dave Gilpin from Hope City Church in the U.K for our weekend services and it was a blast. His message on "Be an original" was absolutely phenomenal. Elevation Church lapped up his resources and his preaching as we cheered, laughed and felt deeply challenge to go back to the cross and pick up all the things that God never wanted us to leave there. Its true though when you think about it that many people become boring after they have come to Christ and yet before that time they are living life to the full. As Christ followers we need to be painting the world with the fluorescent colours of heaven, people should be better off because we are in their world. Our words our actions our lives must reveal the life that Christ has made available for all to share in.