Pastoring is an interesting calling. Like anything there are highs points and low points but what makes it different is the fact that you are a communicator of the truth to a culture that doesn't want to hear truth. Some people when confronted with truth will allow it to penetrate their lives enough to bring about change, others will stare at it wanting to embrace this truth where others will see it and spiritualize their way around it thus avoiding it all together.
Let me explain. Occasionally we will get a person in church life who will tell us that God is moving them on because our church isn't spiritual enough. Now we see dozens born again every month, people healed (one couple who couldn't have children about to go to IVF were prayed for and she fell pregnant that week), marriages encouraged, over 100 families fed every month, money given to support a local special school just to name a snippet of what happens every month. Can I ask a question? What is spiritual? Is it about you going to more meetings so that you can get a greater touch which then sets you on fire so that you can go to more meetings and get another touch? Is it about you and your gift and the only spiritual place is the one that recognizes how amazing you are? Is it when truth confronts you and the only option you have is to move on and hide it behind "God said" so that way you can avoid your shaky marriage or your inability to connect. Is it having Christian symbols evident? Is it gathering with a group of like minded hurt people who will encourage me in my pursuit of avoidance?
Now I am all for getting more of God's presence around our lives as anyone that knows me would witness to, but I do it with the end in mind. Life transformation! My marriage must change, my words must be cleansed, my heart must ache for the lost, my mind must get renewed and I must be able to connect with others..now that's spiritual.
M Scott Peck said the following:
"Problems do not go away. They must be worked through or else they remain, forever a barrier to the growth and development of the spirit".
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