Yesterday marked the first day of our 21 days of momentum, which is Elevation Church's 21 days of prayer and fasting. Life is filled with love hate relationships. I hate going to the gym but I love the results that come when you are finished. I sometimes don't feel like working but love to spend money. I don't like to fast but love what fasting does for me. People always have said, "After 3 days you wont be hungry". Now I have done some long fasts before and not once have I had a relief from hunger, in fact it stalks me day and night. I notice every ad on T.V for fast food, I can smell food from several kilometres away, there was even one time that I almost ate my dogs plate of Pal...I could see those chunky meaty pieces. Anyway what it accomplishes in me is way better than a hot chicken with steak fries and gravy with some hot bread...there I go again.
I was reading this morning in Genesis 21 about Abraham. 100 years of age when his promised child came to pass, now that's a long time to wait for a promise. I get impatient having to wait days sometimes yet Abraham kept hope in his heart that God hadn't put him on the shelf and forgotten him. God give me that kind of faith!
I think that's what I like about fasting it places my soul in the "High Alert" stage and stirs me to pursue Him and demand His attention. I think God loves it when we chase him with a relentless passion that refuses to give up.
"Pursuit is the proof of passion", we will chase what we are passionate about. Think about it, what do you need to do today to kick start your 2008?
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