I went to the movies yesterday to see the long awaited I am legend and I wasn't disappointed but be warned it is a guys movie, definitely don't take your girl there for a first (or it will be your last) date. The rest of my family hated it as they don't see Zombies as realistic...please pray for them.
Tomorrow is church where we are kicking off a series called "Discovering the will of God" in the morning and "Supernatural" (hmmm zombies) in the evening.
I love preaching. The best book that I have ever read on the subject is by Andy Stanley called "Communicating for a change". He say that all communicators have to know what the “A-HA” moment is. Its the part of their message that gets you most excited.
For tomorrow morning its "Do I believe that Gods guidance is the cause of my movement or an effect my movement causes?"
Do I believe that God gives me a map and its my job to find where and what it is? Or do I believe that God doesn’t do maps but gives us a compass, and that compass is the inbuilt guidance system of passions, gifts and leanings.
Remember back to when the latest fad was the WWJD jewelry and clothing? I have to make a decision “What would Jesus do?” In some ways this thinking has hindered the church because it has sat back to afraid to move unless it’s what Jesus exactly wants.
Psalm 37:23 (NLT)
The steps of the godly are directed by the Lord. He delights in every detail of their lives.
Notice its the steps..I believe that God gives us an inbuilt guidance system that directs us as we move. So go on step out you never know where it may lead you.
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