Is it just me or is time really zipping along? Wasnt Easter just here? Mothers Day has come and gone and before we know it the Christmas tree will get hauled out of the garage.
Ephes. 5:15-17 (Msg) So watch your step. Use your head. [16] Make the most of every chance you get. These are desperate times! [17] Don't live carelessly, unthinkingly. Make sure you understand what the Master wants.
This is a fairly challenging scripture. Its basically reminding us that we have a window of opportunity, a pocket of time, a moment and people that seize it are the ones that make a difference. Whether we like it or not one day we are going to die and our window will close and our opportunity will be gone.
I want to get to heaven and know that through the window that was opened to me I used my talents, my time and my treasure to leverege as many people toward Heven as I possibly could of.
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