You don't have to know a lot of things for your life to make a lasting difference in the world. But you do have to know the few great things that matter, and then be willing to live for them and die for them. The people that make a durable difference in the world are not the people who have mastered many things, but who have been mastered by a few great things. If you want your life to count, if you want the ripple effect of the pebbles you drop to become waves that reach the ends of the earth and roll on for centuries and into eternity, you don't have to have a high IQ or EQ; you don't have to have to have good looks or riches; you don't have to come from a fine family or a fine school. You have to know a few great, majestic, unchanging, obvious, simple, glorious things, and be set on fire by them.
A layman by the name of Edward Kimball taught his church’s Sunday School class weekly, he really wanted to make a difference. He wanted to see many people come to Christ. He was burdened with a young man who attended this class. Although a shy person he entered a shoe store where this young man worked as a sales person. It was here that Edward Kimball said to this man, “I want to tell you how much Christ loves you”, and it was at that moment that he led Dwight L. Moody to Christ.
Dwight went on to be one of the greatest preachers of modern history seeing millons attend his meetings and hundreds of thousands come to Christ.
When Moody was out preaching one day, a man named Frederick Meyer was listening. Meyer was already a Christian, but Moody's preaching motivated him to enter full-time ministry. We know him as F.B. Meyer. Kimball reached Moody, and Moody reached Meyer, but the story doesn't end there.When Meyer was preaching, a young man named Wilbur Chapman responded and gave his life to Christ. Chapman felt called to be an evangelist. One of the young men he took under his wing was a former professional baseball player who, also wanted to preach the gospel and did so with great success.
His name was Billy Sunday.Sunday held a crusade in Charlotte, North Carolina, where many people came to faith. The people there were so thrilled that they wanted to have another crusade. Sunday wasn't available, so a young evangelist named Mordecai Hamm was invited to speak. While the campaign wasn't considered as successful as the first one, a young, lanky farm boy walked down the aisle on one of the final night. We know him as Billy Graham.
In 1959 Billy Graham came to Brisbane Australia to preach at a crusade and a young farmer with little formal education came forward and accepted Christ. His name was Clark Taylor and in 1974 Clark Taylor founded Christian Outreach Centre.
Today there approximately 1000 COC’s worldwide of which our church, Elevation, is one of.
Dwight went on to be one of the greatest preachers of modern history seeing millons attend his meetings and hundreds of thousands come to Christ.
When Moody was out preaching one day, a man named Frederick Meyer was listening. Meyer was already a Christian, but Moody's preaching motivated him to enter full-time ministry. We know him as F.B. Meyer. Kimball reached Moody, and Moody reached Meyer, but the story doesn't end there.When Meyer was preaching, a young man named Wilbur Chapman responded and gave his life to Christ. Chapman felt called to be an evangelist. One of the young men he took under his wing was a former professional baseball player who, also wanted to preach the gospel and did so with great success.
His name was Billy Sunday.Sunday held a crusade in Charlotte, North Carolina, where many people came to faith. The people there were so thrilled that they wanted to have another crusade. Sunday wasn't available, so a young evangelist named Mordecai Hamm was invited to speak. While the campaign wasn't considered as successful as the first one, a young, lanky farm boy walked down the aisle on one of the final night. We know him as Billy Graham.
In 1959 Billy Graham came to Brisbane Australia to preach at a crusade and a young farmer with little formal education came forward and accepted Christ. His name was Clark Taylor and in 1974 Clark Taylor founded Christian Outreach Centre.
Today there approximately 1000 COC’s worldwide of which our church, Elevation, is one of.
Life is all about making ripples. To many people are only looking for the big splash. Make constant ripples in your pond, and eventually the algae will move elsewhere!
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