Thursday, December 20, 2007


At the gym at 6.30am this morning I could quickly tell that is was going to be "one of those days", when it came to the effort put into actually working out. I'm usually pretty motivated but this morning was tough. So I found myself leaving early never having reached any great bouts of persperation, never getting my heart rate up to an acceptable level, but inwardly knowing that next year it will be different.
Have you heard yourself saying that before?
I made a personal pledge whilst on holidays at Fiji last week.
One hour of exercise everyday, One hour of prayer and reading the word everyday and read (and finish) one book every week. Doesnt seem like much when you write it down. Shouldn't as a pastor I already be doing this??
But I was reminded this morning what the bible says.

Proverbs 20:25 (NLT)
It is dangerous to make a rash promise to God before counting the cost.

The way I figure it best I make a committment that I believe I can reach than yet again make another new years resolution that I have never really thought through.
So whats your tune up plan for 2008?

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