This last Sunday I was away speaking at another church but we all had a feeling during the week and especially after Tuesday that a storm was brewing at Elevation and how right we were. All 3 services just went off in a huge way. Each service ran over time the 10am and the 6pm by 90 minutes. Now to appreciate this you need to understand that we are very respectful and conscious of time so we very rarely are over but yesterday we had no choice. Actually we did have a choice and we decided to let worship loose and off it went. Words really cant express what happens to you when God's tangible presence rests upon people but nothing can replace it. It is the power that releases grown men and women to cry like little children as the fog of life is blown away and God's amazing grace breaks through. Now I know that not all that were there may have felt the same but for many it was a refreshing that I think was well overdue.
Acts 3:19-20 (NLT) Now turn from your sins and turn to God, so you can be cleansed of your sins. [20] Then wonderful times of refreshment will come from the presence of the Lord, and he will send Jesus your Messiah to you again.
A word of caution though!! Refreshment is for a purpose. Halftime in any sport is a time where players regroup, refocus and are refreshed to play out the second half. As God refreshes and refocuses us its for a reason and that reason is the thousands of incredible people that live on the Gold Coast that tonight are lost. Elevation thanks for your hunger, thanks for your love for God and thanks for making room for God to refresh us all.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
God wants to see His kids
Every Tuesday night from 6.30pm to 7.30pm we have our cooperate prayer meeting at the church. In a time where a lot of "contemporary churches" like ours are closing their prayer meetings down here at Elevation we are just getting started. Last night we had one of those moments in God that seem to take place every now and but they change your life forever. There is no doubt that God loves it when His people come together to worship Him so after spending time loving on God we began to pray for people who are lost and it was like heaven opened and God backed up His tip truck and dumped a load of understanding on His people. For most of the night people layed on the floor weeping uncontrollably as we again felt God's heart toward His kids who are just lost. It so impacted me, that I met with my staff today to change some of the ways we do church. Many Christians today are so consumed with a consumer mentality that we have forgotten that we to were once lost. So hang onto your seat Elevation because I have a sneaking suspicion that God is about to shake our worlds.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Big Week
Its been almost two weeks since I last made a busy. Last week we moved into stage two of Elevation Church's march toward having our own building. Stage one was using Varity College for the last several months where set up and pack up was just what we did. Sunday was our first day in our building (even though its the future kids church) at least its ours and its one step closer to where we want to be. Its the steps of a good person that God orders, not the leaps, we just have to keep stepping!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Give me my?

Don't let aging get you down. It's too hard to get back up!
12 So now give me this hill country of which the LORD spoke on that day, for you heard on that day how the Anakim were there, with great fortified cities. It may be that the LORD will be with me, and I shall drive them out just as the LORD said."
Inspiring hey! At 85yrs of age Caleb is asking for his next challenge. Most people at 55yrs let alone 85 are asking for things also.
- Give me my country club membership
- Give me my beach house
- Give me my recognition
- Give me my superannuation
- Give me my church where I can put my feet up and complain about loud music
- Give me my plastic surgery
You can tell a lot about a person by what they are asking for. Give me my mountain! He knew that he had enough strength, enough wisdom and enough skill to take the next land so that the next generation didn't have to.
What was his secret?
3 times in chapter 14 it says, "Because Caleb wholly followed the Lord". When we commit to "wholly follow God", it doesn't make us worse off, we shouldn't become bitter and hurt, but we need to be energized. Maybe that's the difference between people that serve a church or a man and people who serve God!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
If only we could dial back into our lives and undo some of the bad choices that we have made over the years. What would our lives look like today relationally, financially, spiritually if that could have been done? Maybe we cant do that but we can start from today making decisions that are based on not just what we think is right, or what we think culture says or what my friends say, but we can base them on one question. "Whats wise?" 

This month in our P.M series we are talking all about our pursuit of wisdom.
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