Monday, December 31, 2007

I AM...?

The weather is so bad here that all fireworks and new year celebraions have been cancelled which is going to make it a long night for someone like me who struggles staying awake past 10pm. So what can I do now? There are no decent movies out. Its 3 days and counting, that's how long until Will Smiths new movie "I am legend" comes out here at the Gold Coast. Its been a while since my taste buds have been aroused with the release of something that isn't another chick flick but a movie that seems to be filled with enough testosterone to run a small city. Basically its a story about a plague that hits the world and leaves one survivor living in New York who realizes that he isn't alone.
The title of this movie is great it kind of reminds me of another person that was big on the "I am" statements. Throughout the bible Jesus continually was telling people who He was.
I am the vine, I am the way the truth and the life, I am the bread of life, I am the light of the world, I am the door, I am the resurrection and the life and many more.
One thing that is at work here is that Jesus always spoke out who was and then walked toward those words. He didn't wait to feel like He as the "resurrection and life" He spoke it out and His life went toward those word pictures that He painted of Himself.
Our inner dialogue is what we listen to most.
We are doing a series in our evening services this coming February called, "Identity Theft" and we are wanting to help people know who they are. Most of us somewhere in life have had our identity threatened or erased (Jason Bourne) so we struggle today with our insecurities and fears.

Proverbs 29:25 (Msg)
The fear of human opinion disables; trusting in God protects you from that.

So this New Years eve complete this statement, "I am.....?"
Ugly, fat, stupid, useless or do you want to begin to see yourself as someone of worth, beauty, character and strength. Your "I am" will determine you 2008.
Have a great new years eve celebration and see you next year.

Sunday, December 30, 2007


Zech. 4:6 (NIV)
So he said to me, "This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: 'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the Lord Almighty.

These past few days the Gold Coast has been hammered by almost cyclonic winds that are set to worsen over the next days. Beaches are being eroded as the waves and winds pound the coastline. And in amongst it all there are the few local crazies who love to be out amongst it all to catch that one (maybe their last) good wave.
In preparing for church this morning I was reading about a different kind of wind that blew in amongst the disciples many years ago and empowered them to go and make a difference in their world. We had our end of year anointing service today. Its where we lay hands on every person and anoint them with oil for the year was awesome.
I have been "leading" in some form, in church now for over 22 years and still know nothing that cures peoples complaints, discouragement, anger, lust or any other anchor that tries to weigh us down than a touch of the Holy Spirit. As we prayed for people today tears flowed for some, peace for others and strength for all. Life can bring some fairly brutal blows, we need God in our lives. As a pastor I need God to help me pray (I don't like to), I need Him to help me love people (I don't want to), to stand against temptation (I want to give into it) bottom line is...I need God.


This coming year 2008 lets not try and do it in our own strength, let the wind blow over and through all of us and lets live a God conscious life.

Thursday, December 27, 2007


Three weeks ago I had an appointment with my doctor for a total checkup. Body mass, blood tests, fitness, stress and a couple of other tests that are better left between me and him...if you know what I mean. Today I went back for the 30 page report that he had created to inform me on what is going great and what needs some tweaking. Fortunately most is fantastic and I am a fine speciman of Australian manhood. This check up is all about prevention because as we were all told as kids, prevention is better than cure.
Today for lunch I met with friends of mine who pastor a great church in a country town called Kempsey and we were talking about how many of our friends who started off with a fire for God and were at some time working in a full time capacity, sadly many now had left their spouses, walked away from the church, grown bitter, fallen sexually or just become tired in the race.
If prevention is better than cure, if we really believe that, then why don't we allow our lives to be a little more transparent? Why cant we take a risk and open our inner world of thoughts and struggles to people that we trust? Is that the Insecurity and rejection are never far away from each of stalks us because it likes us.
One of the characteristics of leaders in this generation is their openness and vulnerability, they aren't afraid of admitting their own issues. Not from a "I'm a loser your a loser so lets lose together", attitude, but from the strength that comes from confronting our inner demons with faith and allowing Gods searchlight through accountability with TRUSTWORTHY people to keep us in the zone. So come on take a risk prevention really is better than cure.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


I love Christmas!

I don't know if there is such a thing as the "Christmas Spirit" but people do seem much happier at this time of year. They let you merge on the highway, they laugh a little more, they seem to have a sense of expectation.

Sunday evening just gone our church hosted its first Christmas production called THE GIFT. It was an awesome night with 700 people in attendance made up of many family and friends that aren't yet Christ followers. I love our church, we have the best team of volunteers and staff that anyone would ever want to work with.
2 days later we rolled into our Christmas Day service where we again had an amazing time.

Our central text was from the book of Luke and read as follows:

Luke 2:29-31 (NLT)

"Lord, now I can die in peace! As you promised me, [30] I have seen the Savior [31] you have given to all people.

I shared about how God never gave us what we wanted for Christmas but He gave us what we needed...a saviour...not quite what man was looking for, but definitely what we need.

With our daughter turning 17 Kathy and I decided to buy her a car and keep it a secret until Christmas day. The look on her face was priceless when she walked out the front and there it was parked in the driveway, a little Barina convertable (in the picture). Its something that she really wanted!

I'm glad that God doesn't always give us what we want but through His wisdom and His love for us like any great father He gives us what we need. There are a lot things that mankind wants but what we all need most is a saviour, someone that can rescue us from us.

W.T Ellis said, "It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air". This Christmas take a moment and thank God for giving you what you needed above what you wanted.

Friday, December 21, 2007


As summer is well under way here at the beautiful Gold Coast the beach is the place to be (Except for Sunday morning between 8.30 and 11). There isnt anything better than watching the surf roll in, going for a swim and laying on the beach. But with that comes the dangerous, devilish and sometimes delightful beach bodies!! Those bikini clad girls and the speedo wearing old man (thats the devilish part) begin to strut their stuff on the white sands of the Coast.

My kids (thats Jaaden my son surfing in the photo) would be horrified if ever I wore anything that resembled speedos, there horrified by the simple fact that I take my shirt off at the beach, but for some its a sign of confidence or ignorance that allows theme to "do there thing" by wearing such an embarrasing piece of clothing.

Anyway enough about budgy smugglers!!

Whilst reading 2 Samuel about David and his encounter with Bethsheba I looked up the meaning of a simple word that has some real value for us to learn when it comes to "looking away from temptation".

2 Samuel 11:2 (NIV) One evening David got up from his bed and walked around on the roof of the palace. From the roof he saw a woman bathing. The woman was very beautiful,

The word saw comes from the Hebrew word ra'ah which implies an extended gaze with enjoyment.

When you notice someone attractive, you can say or think, "That is a nice looking person", but when we rrrraaaaa'aaaaahhh, "Did you see that, Whoa baby, give me some of that", then that is heading for disaster.

A wise old Pastor friend of mine gave some advice many years ago about this subject. He said "Your first look belongs to God, its when we appreciate His creation, but the second look belongs to us, thats when we want His creation". Not real spiritual but very practical. So enjoy the warmth of summer and ra'ah the things that will get you closer to Him.

Thursday, December 20, 2007


At the gym at 6.30am this morning I could quickly tell that is was going to be "one of those days", when it came to the effort put into actually working out. I'm usually pretty motivated but this morning was tough. So I found myself leaving early never having reached any great bouts of persperation, never getting my heart rate up to an acceptable level, but inwardly knowing that next year it will be different.
Have you heard yourself saying that before?
I made a personal pledge whilst on holidays at Fiji last week.
One hour of exercise everyday, One hour of prayer and reading the word everyday and read (and finish) one book every week. Doesnt seem like much when you write it down. Shouldn't as a pastor I already be doing this??
But I was reminded this morning what the bible says.

Proverbs 20:25 (NLT)
It is dangerous to make a rash promise to God before counting the cost.

The way I figure it best I make a committment that I believe I can reach than yet again make another new years resolution that I have never really thought through.
So whats your tune up plan for 2008?

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


I was reading in my early morning time about when Saul was first chosen to be anointed as King.
1 Samuel 9:2 (NLT) His son Saul was the most handsome man in Israel—head and shoulders taller than anyone else in the land.

If you have been around for any amount of time you know that Sauls demise from King to having the kingdom ripped from him was quite a tragic affair. Here is a young man that the bible says was "a stand out Christian". I have known many people over the years that have "stood out" either with their passion or abilities, their knowledge or just their availability but somewhere in the race they tripped and at this point have fallen out of the race. Its a challenge to all of us that may "stand out" with natural ability, that to last long term we must have an inner strength that may not be evident and may not seem like its eye catching, but to finish the race, its vital. Remember "You cant give what you dont have". Lets go the distance!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

So This Is Blogging

I've heard about it, read about it and now its my turn to do it...boy Im living on the edge. I am sipping a Zarraffa's skinny flat white as I listen to one of the many podcasts that are sent my way each week...what a world we live in. I am a pastor at a church on the amazing Gold Coast in Australia...hang on....6 gourmet pizzas just turned up at the office, awesome...see you later.